mPower 3-6 Onboarding
Game DesignerCompany: TVO mPower
Target Audience: Grades 3-6
My team was tasked with figuring out a way to get players into the core loop of mPower quicker, while upping player retention.
By looking at metrics and anecdotal painpoints from existing users, we came to a solution of not only slimming down the onboarding to essential tasks, but increasing player agency with a pokemon-like select of one of three shortened games as their first (previously, players were shoehorned into playing one long game).
Internally, this provided a bit of a challenge as we had to come up with creative methods of editing existing VO and figuring out much (or how little) of each shortened game to show.
I’m very proud of my team for figuring this one out, it took a lot of creative efforts.